
To start your enquiry enter an address, title or property identification number into the search box below or, navigate and click on a property on the map.

Primary Address
{{ address.address }}

Property Information

Property Report

The property report will include maps and details of the planning zone, codes, specific area plans, local area objectives and other information that affect the selected location, including whether it is listed on the Tasmanian Heritage Register, Crown land or Council land. Councils also may manage particular local information, such as local heritage places, flood maps and storm water information, which may affect development on the property. Contact the relevant council for advice as to how these and other features may affect your proposed project.

Request Advice

This property is located in a municipal area which has an Interim Planning Scheme in effect. For further information and advice about the rules that may apply to this property, you can contact the relevant council by selecting 'Request Advice'. Once the Tasmanian Planning Scheme is in effect in a municipal area you can use the enquiry function in PlanBuild Tasmania to find out more information. To learn more about the Tasmanian Planning Scheme, visit www.planningreform.tas.gov.au