
To start your enquiry enter an address, title or property identification number into the search box below or, navigate and click on a property on the map.

Primary Address
Secondary Address(es)
{{ address.address }}

Property Information

Property Report

The property report will include maps and details of the planning zone, codes, specific area plans, local area objectives and other information that affect the selected location, including whether it is listed on the Tasmanian Heritage Register, Crown land or Council land. Councils also may manage particular local information, such as local heritage places, flood maps and storm water information, which may affect development on the property. Contact the relevant council for advice as to how these and other features may affect your proposed project.

What do you want to do at this property?

Select a topic below to find out more about what you can do at the property including what rules may apply, who you need to consult with and whether you will need a permit to do the work.

Shed, Garage or Carport

Used for storage associated with domestic/residential use

Retaining Wall

Build a retaining wall

Pool or Spa

Install a residential pool or spa and associated access barrier

Deck, Porch or Verandah

Add a deck, porch or verandah

Pathways and Paving

Build a new pathway or pave the property

Extension, Alteration or Addition

Build an extension/addition or undertake structural alteration to a house

Solar Panels

Installation of solar panels at a residential property

Internal Alterations or Renovations

Change the inside of your property

Dwelling Repairs or Maintenance

Repairs or maintenance to an existing house

Home Heating

Install an air-conditioner or heat pump to be used for residential purposes

New House

A new single residential dwelling

Tiny Home or Caravan

Living in a Tiny Home or Caravan on a property

Granny Flat (Ancillary Dwelling)

Build a Granny Flat on the property

Offer Tattoo or Piercing Services

Licensed skin penetration activities

Cafe, Restaurant, Bakery, Takeaway

Selling meals and/or takeaway foods and beverages

Mobile Food Business

Mobile food van, food truck, or food tent

Vineyard, Cidery, Distillery or Bar

Manufacturing or selling alcoholic drinks

Supermarket, Service Station, Kiosk

Selling food and/or beverages

Roadside produce stall

Selling fruit and vegetables

Food and Beverage Vending Machine

Food and beverages dispensed via machine

Bottle shop

Selling pre-packaged alcohol

Home Based Food Business

Cooking foods in a home kitchen for sale from your home or sold elsewhere

If your question is not listed, or you want advice on how local information and other features may affect development on the property, you can contact the relevant council by selecting Request Advice from Council.

Property Report

The property report will include maps and details of the planning zone, codes, specific area plans, local area objectives and other information that affect the selected location, including whether it is listed on the Tasmanian Heritage Register, Crown land or Council land. Councils also may manage particular local information, such as local heritage places, flood maps and storm water information, which may affect development on the property. Contact the relevant council for advice as to how these and other features may affect your proposed project.

Request Advice

This property is located in a municipal area which has an Interim Planning Scheme in effect. For further information and advice about the rules that may apply to this property, you can contact the relevant council by selecting 'Request Advice'. Once the council has adopted the Tasmanian Planning Scheme you can use the enquiry function in PlanBuild Tasmania to find out more information. To learn more about the Tasmanian Planning Scheme, visit www.planningreform.tas.gov.au